Wasteland: Reviewing a Post-Apocalyptic Gamebook From Savage Realms Gamebooks
If you're a fan of post-apocalyptic settings like the ones from Mad Max and Fall Out, and love gamebooks, I think you will enjoy Wasteland by H. L. Truslove. This is the fifth release from prolific publisher Savage Realms Gamebooks. You begin the story as an orphan who grew up in a community of survivors. Now reaching adulthood you're given a choice of staying to help protect the village or going out to scavenge supplies. There are few post-apocalyptic titles in the fantasy-dominated gamebook space so I found this pleasantly refreshing. Your choices propel you into different storylines with additional branches from there. Your character will likely encounter nasty creatures with nasty mutations, fellow survivors, and various tricky situations. Oh and death. Lots and lots of death. Some characters you…